Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bold Mistake

Picture taken in Buxton, England, Dec. 2009

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan, I enjoyed meeting you and your family and extended family last Spring, when I met all of you at Sunday evening worship service, Stan sat down by me on the front row,and we discovered we knew each other from when I was 18 in Paris, when H.B. and Lavern, Stan (age 9), Joel and Danielle (toddlers) came from Orleans to meet me (also a polio survivor) in person :) How great to be with you-all and to hear you play the piano, and especially your own compositions! I've enjoyed your CD so much and have played it for my blind piano student at times when he comes for a lesson:) God bless and tell your family "Hello" for me. Jo Byrd Huddleston
